2023-12-11 - "Dave Grusch Reach Out" Email to DarkJournalist
Source Link: https://twitter.com/darkjournalist/status/1752030444055408870
Subject: Dave Grusch Reach Out
Good Morning Sir,
I have been following your work for quite some time and I am aware of your recent discussions on your channel regarding myself. While I am associated with certain individuals you have concerns about (and honestly that's very warranted) there is more than meets the eye. I am very aware of how complex the UFO file issue is and the X-Protect faction that goes back to the late 19th Century (based on my independent knowledge). I have associated myself with certain individuals to understand the concerns of other factions and assess their objectives to get us to the true objective of transparency.
It's not shocking to me the UAPDA just failed.....
You have every right to be skeptical of me and since I am a former intelligence officer I do understand your initial misgivings. I can assure you l am not part of a psyop (witting or unwitting) and I would like the opportunity to address your concerns [Redacted]
[Redacted] I want to understand your deeper scholarship on the matter.
Dave Grusch
2024-01-25 - Christopher Mellon responds to DarkJournalist's claims that he was controlling Grusch and not allowing him onto DarkJournalist's podcast
Source Link: https://twitter.com/ChrisKMellon/status/1750574225230893217
This is a wildly overblown and grossly misleading. Dave knows that a pseudo-journalist has been spreading preposterous nonsense about me leading a CIA plot to increase defense spending! If this 'journalist' had conducted any serious journalistic due diligence, he would have quickly learned that I’ve never worked for the CIA nor advocated for increased defense spending, and that the CIA doesn’t operate in that way anyhow. A serious journalist would also have discovered that I am a strong supporter of Citizens for a Responsible Federal Budget and plan to invest time helping them in the months ahead. We’ve got to address the burgeoning deficit, and that means fiscal discipline, not ballooning expenditures. Any serious journalist would also know the CIA would be crucified if caught doing something so stupid and illegal. Why would they risk going to jail to support the budget of a different government agency? So, if I factored into Dave’s decision at all, it would be because he doesn’t want to support or lend credence to an incompetent pseudo-journalist who is publicly defaming people who have stuck their necks out to publicly support UAP research and transparency. So, while I advised Dave not to promote an irresponsible outlet spreading baseless lies that defame his friends and allies who are working for transparency (to which he agreed), the notion that I ‘threatened’ him is as absurd as it is untrue.
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